Thursday, February 25, 2016

Natural Cures for Health Problems


Hippocrates said "let food be your medicine." This information comes from the U. S. Department of Agriculture (U.S.D.A.) database website with research from its chief botanist, Dr James Duke. The different benefits like antiaging, antiADD, anticancer and antiarthritic are called activities. Grapes have phytochemicals helping over 800 different activities. The greatest natural cure is fasting. My webpage on fasting has quotes from 23 MDs.
Kevin Trudeau says in his best selling book, Natural Cures They Do Not Want You to Know About, "All illnesses and diseases are caused by the same things; (1) too many toxins in the body; (2) nutritionally deficiencies; (3) electromagnetic chaos exposure; (4) mental and/or emotional distress." "The most effective way to cure and prevent disease is by getting the toxins out." "One very powerful cleanse is, of course, fasting." "Drugs only suppress symptoms, and they cause disease because they are toxic." 
In More Natural Cures Revealed, Kevin Trudeau says "The facts are clear, drugs, both prescription and non-prescription, do not make you healthier, they make you sicker. Drug companies are not interested in your health. Drug companies only want you to buy and use more drugs. If you want to cure yourself of any disease you have and remain healthy, you must eliminate all non-prescription and prescription drugs."
Kevin Trudeau says in Natural Cures,
"In the Natural Cures book I talk about the fact that the sun does not cause skin cancer. The sun is needed for life. If you do not spend time in the sun you will be sick. The sun is vital for health, longevity and to be disease free....Without sunlight you develop diseases including depression, lack of energy, poor sleep, poor digestion, weight gain, arthritis, constipation, bad breath, body odor, cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, ADD, stress, headaches, susceptibility to colds, flus and viral infections, PMS, male erectile dysfunction, loss of sexual desire in women, infertility anxiety and more."

Wikipedia Encyclopedia says "The majority of doctors recommend patients protect themselves from UV radiation using sunscreen. These recommendations exist despite the ample evidence in the scientific literature that the sunscreen chemicals are harmful if they are illuminated while in contact with living cells. It is undisputed in the scientific literature, that sunscreen chemicals in contact with living tissue are harmful."
"A positive effect of UVB exposure is that it induces the production of vitamin D in the skin. It has been estimated that tens of thousands of premature deaths occur in the United States annually from a range of cancers due to vitamin D deficiency." Also see this article about sunlight on this page with articles.
They are thousands of phytochemicals (chemicals in plants that produce an effect on the human body) that have these activities in hundreds of plants. They have already identified over 900 phytochemicals. You may have heard of some phytochemicals. There is lycopene which is in tomatoes, watermelons and red grapefruit which helps with heart health.

There are indole-3-carbinols in cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower which helps prevent cancer. Then there is resveratrol (helps cardio health) which they say is in red wine so it is OK to give wine to little kids. It is not in the alcohol part from fermentation which destroys brain cells and hurts the liver. It is in the skin of red grapes and in grape juice. Also it is in blueberries, cranberries and peanuts. 

There are about 15 vitamins and 70 minerals but there are thousands of phytochemicals that are beneficial for health. People do not inherit these diseases but inherit a predisposition (tendency) toward getting certain diseases. So if you have that, use these plant foods to help prevent those diseases. Try to get organically grown produce with more nutrients and no pesticides. Does anyone think that pesticides are healthy for little kids? In Russia it is a crime to sell produce grown with pesticides.
You can mix endive, cabbage, tomato, onions and basil leaf together for an antiaging dish. Kevin Trudeau says to see a few holistic healers so they can find the cause of your problem and treat it. That is much better than just suppressing the symptoms. Read Under Headaches and Multiple Sclerosis (both on Natural Cures Part 2) for examples of this.
The list below is only a partial list. Look at all pages to see all the natural cures. I am constantly adding more cures from books and newsletters that I buy at high prices.

Cancer (in general)

The USDA website addresses the different types of cancer. Fasting does not work well with cancer. What works the best is the "grape cure". With this you eat only grapes for 2 or 3 months and nothing else.  You can have a little prune juice to help elimination. They suggest you fast 2 days on water before starting the grape cure. Then just eat all the grapes that you want to. This works extremely well in curing cancer.
Make sure to take 29 minutes to watch this University of California video. Your life may depend on it. It tells how vitamin D can greatly help your body to fight off or prevent cancer if taken in large enough amounts. It tells how to determine this.
See the 2 books at the bottom of  this page. The grape cure has been used for 500 years in Europe for many different problems and is supposed to be listed in medical encyclopedias. You could also call it a grape fast. Studies show that fruits and vegetables prevent cancer. Meat causes cancer according to this big study done.
PDR stands for Physician's Desk Reference. It is a huge book that doctors use to look up any medication. The PDR Family Guide to Nutrition and Health (1995 by Medical Economics Company [It is 800 pages]) says "In 1991, based on the overwhelming scientific findings, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) began a national '5 A Day for Better Health' campaign to encourage a consumption of 5 or more servings of fruits or vegetables daily." It also said "In the mid-1970s researchers found that some groups of people in Africa with high fiber consumption (more than 10 times greater than American averages) had extremely low rates of colon cancer."
The PDR Family Guide to Nutrition and Health also says (page 227) "According to Dr. John Potter [M.D., Ph.D., professor at U of WA], director of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle, the best evidence available today indicates that vegetables and fruits are the nutritional stars in prevention of most major types of cancer."
It also says "No sooner had President George Bush revealed to the American public that he hated broccoli than scientists announced the discovery of a chemical [phytochemical] called sulforaphane that had a strong preventative effect against cancer in laboratory animals." Broccoli and related vegetables also contain indole-3-carbonols, isothyocyanates, and cyanohydroxybutene (CHB) that fight cancer according to the above book. It also says "Several population studies also conclude that people who consume diets high in olive oil have low rates of cancer." 
A study with 300 people showed that as the consumption of plant foods went up 20%, the cancer rates dropped 20%. As cruciferous vegetable intake went up 20%, the cancer rates dropped 40%. Cruciferous vegetables are those in the cabbage family. They include arugula (a green), bok choy, broccoli, broccoli rabe, brocolina, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi, mache, mustard greens, radish, red cabbage, rutabaga, turnips, turnip greens and watercress. They contain the phytochemical, indole-3-carbinol.
Broccoli sprouts are said to be 20 times better than broccoli in preventing cancer. Four ounces of broccoli sprouts cost about $2.50. Then you can get the same size for about $4.50. The latter is Brocco Sprouts broccoli sprouts. The John Hopkins University School of Medicine found that the sulforaphane GS (sgs) in broccoli sprouts "may reduce the risk of cancer, a disease of many factors" according to their group, the Brassica Foundation. So they bred broccoli high in this phytochemical and patented it.
Great Health magazine (September 2008) says "A new study published in Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention found that a group of nonsmokers and smokers, who ate an average of 3 or more servings of raw cruciferous vegetables a month lowered their risk of developing bladder cancer by 40%. For nonsmokers alone, the risk reduction was a whopping 73%. This result was not seen with cooked veggies, indicating that some anti-cancer properties of cruciferous vegetables are destroyed in cooking."
I read that one way to get rid of cancer is eating all raw foods. This refers to raw vegan foods not raw meat or fish. Another health expert said to avoid getting cancer take like 3 to 5 days every few months where you eat only raw foods. All the animals other than man eat raw foods. It is rare for animals in nature to get cancer but most pets (they eat cooked food) get cancer. But 85% raw will work just as well. See this page about Natural Healing of Depression and other Mental Issues for the fine details on what you can eat on the 85% raw diet.
Instead of drinking water, drink white or green tea (decaf is possible). They have EGCG in it. Among other things, EGCG has also been shown to inhibit tumor growth in the British Journal of Cancer, help breast cancer patients as reported in Cancer Science, and increase 24 hour thermogenesis (fat burning) in a study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
In 1994, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of an epidemiological study indicating that drinking green tea lowered the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by almost 60%. University of Purdue researchers recently found that a compound in green tea inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Also many say that negative emotions are associated with cancer especially with issues of forgiving others and forgiving your self. So this means that hate causes cancer. Also I have seen these strange things with cancer, where people have cured their cancer using natural methods and then went back to an unhealthy lifestyle. Then their cancer comes back but this time they do not use the natural methods that cured them before and they die. See this article about lack of sunlight causing cancer: 5 Ways to Get Cancer.
The things that cause cancer are manmade not things in nature like sunlight. Personal care products that people put on their skin have many cancer causing chemicals. Read the above in what Kevin Trudeau says about sunlight. Sunbathing will cause you to sweat out cancer causing chemicals. Then when water evaporates, the chemicals build up on your skin so make sure to wash them off after sunbathing.
Wikipedia Encyclopedia says "A positive effect of UVB exposure is that it induces the production of vitamin D in the skin. It has been estimated that tens of thousands of premature deaths occur in the United States annually from a range of cancers due to vitamin D deficiency." Also see this article about sunlight on this page with articles.
The cancer researcher Dr. Bruce Ames, was a member of the board of directors of the National Cancer Institute. He says "The degenerative diseases of aging such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, cataracts, and brain dysfunction, are increasingly found to have, in good part, an oxidative origin. It is argued that dietary antioxidants, such as Vitamins C and E and carotenoids, play a major role in minimizing this damage and that most of the world's population is receiving inadequate amounts of them, at a great cost to health. The main source of dietary antioxidants is fruits and vegetables. Humans should eat 5 portions of fruits and vegetables per day, yet only 9% of the U.S. population eats that much."

Heart Attack, Strokes and Leg Pain

See Webpage About High Blood Pressure for More on Above

Sleeping Problems (Insomnia)

First stop smoking. You get nicotine withdrawal while sleeping and it causes lighter sleep. The TV news said that 70% of Americans have trouble sleeping. See the page What is Enlightenment to reduce stress and learn to relax more. Also see this webpage on (anxiety). These first 3 foods have the highest concentration of total chemicals for this activity of helping you to sleep better (antiinsomniac).
parts per million
number of chemicals
bok choy
These foods have lower concentrations of the above but have the highest number of antiinsomniac phytochemicals: garlic has 5 different chemicals, beet 5, pumpkin seeds 5, tomato 5, mango 5, banana 5, eggplant 5, grape 5, corn 5, cashew 4, pineapple 4, peanut 4 and asparagus 4. Also rooibos tea is supposed to be able to help with this. I have been using it for health and I like the taste of this red tea (very high in anti-oxidants). I have noticed better sleeping. It is normal for people to have trouble sleeping once in a while.
But if someone starts worrying about the next night, if he will be able to get to sleep, then the problem begins. It is like being very nervous about asking for someone's phone number and the more you think about it, the worse it gets. So the person is very apprehensive about getting to sleep and that makes it take longer the next night. Then the next night, he is thinking more about how long it is going to take to get to sleep. This makes the problem worse and then you will counteract the sleep enhancing ability of rooibos tea.
So you need to forget about whether you will have trouble sleeping. This means that you need to focus on other things like reading, yoga or meditation. See the page (Rx for Happiness). For the best deals on rooibos tea, see the second page on the (Health Food Store). The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) recently reported that 63% of Americans are sleep deprived.
Gabriel Cousins, MD, (psychiatrist) says "I often observe in the fasting participants that by four days of fasting, concentration seems to improve, creative thinking expands, depression lifts, insomnia stops, anxieties fade, the mind becomes more tranquil and a natural joy begins to appear. It is my hypothesis that when the physical toxins are cleared from the brain cells, mind-brain function automatically and significantly improves and spiritual capacities expands." Sleeping while on a fast is very rejuvenating. Also you learn that energy comes from sleep, not food.
Do things to relieve stress like exercise, yoga, tai chi and meditation. Here are some quotes about yoga by Timothy McCall M.D. from his book, Yoga as Medicine: The Yogic Prescription for Health and Healing (� 2007) [See this book at bottom of page]. "I've gained muscle, lost fat and become a lot more flexible." "What's become more important to me is the mental peace that has come...." "Stepping out of the crazy, fast-paced world to pay close attention to what's happening right then and there puts me in touch with a calm place deep inside me-- deep inside all of us." 
"Yoga [includes postures and meditation] is not a panacea [cure-all], but it is powerful medicine indeed for body, mind and spirit." Dr McCall is a board-certified specialist in internal medicine who started doing yoga in middle age. The cover of this book says "Read this to find out why we teach our patients yoga-- Mehmet Oz, M.D., author of YOU: The Owners Manual."
According to a naturopathic physician many physical and psychological problems can cause insomnia. Also many medications can cause insomnia. He says that nicotine (from smoking) and alcohol can cause insomnia. If you wake up between 2AM and 4AM then you could have a liver problem which can be caused by many things including alcohol. He suggests doing a liver cleanse. The best liver cleanse is fasting.
Carbohydrates from your diet raise serotonin levels naturally, and as a result, they effectively act like a natural tranquilizer, relieving depression, and improving mood. High carbohydrate intakes have been found to improve the moods of people, particularly athletes, who are known to eat very high-carbohydrate, near-vegetarian, diets. You need lots of carbohydrates to sleep well so plant foods can help with this. But you want good carbs as found in foods made by nature like fruits and vegetables which help you to be thin. You need to avoid the bad carbs that are from man-made foods like wheat products, sugar products and other processed foods.

Antiaging Foods

parts per million
number of chemicals
camu camu fruit
basil leaf
thyme leaf
Here are the antiaging foods to keep you young longer that have the most chemicals but have lower concentrations than the above: cabbage 5, endive 5, grapefruit 5, tomato 5 and banana 5.


Guava fruit contains 868,576 ppm of antidiabetic phytochemicals and 9 different chemicals. Onions contain 17 different diabetic chemicals, banana 14, garlic 13, carrot 14, tomato 13, grape 13, black currants 12, orange 11, soybean 11, cabbage has 10 different chemicals.


parts per million
number of chemicals
camu camu fruit
cacao seeds (chocolate)
Here are the foods that have lower concentrations than the above, but more of the different antiasthmatic chemicals: carrot with 8 chemicals, black currants 7, onion 6, cabbage 6, papaya 6, orange 6, grapefruit 6 and eggplant has 6 antiasthmatic phytochemicals.


parts per million
different chemicals
Here are the foods with less concentrations than the above of antiADD chemicals: onion 1, garlic 1, cashew 1, pineapple 1, peanut 1, asparagus 1, beet 1 and bok choy (also known as Shanghai greens) has 1 antiADD phytochemical.


parts per million
different chemicals
camu camu fruit
pumpkin seeds
These foods have lower concentrations of the above but have the highest number of antiarthritic phytochemicals: pineapple with 8 chemicals, strawberry 8, soybean 8, black currants 8, grape 8, peanuts 8, beet 8, cabbage 7, sweet potato 7, lentil 7, tomato 7, banana 7, basil 7, almond 7 and pears with 7 antiarthritic phytochemicals.

Breast Cancer

parts per million
number of chemicals
These foods have lower concentrations of the above but have the highest number of anticancer (breast) phytochemicals: tomato with 4 anticancer (breast) phytochemicals, grape 4, kiwi 3, onion 3, oranges 3, carrot 3, banana 3, peach 3, cashew 2, cabbage 2 and papaya with 2 anticancer (breast) phytochemicals.
The book, More Natural Cures Revealed (Copyright 2006) by Kevin Trudeau says that a magazine about health and healthy lifestyle was being given out to all NBC employees in the Chicago studio. It was telling how flaxseed (linseed) oil was curing breast cancer. Canadian researchers gave muffins with flaxseed oil to women with breast cancer. It was more effective in killing breast cancer cells than any type of radiation or chemotherapy, with no side effects or expensive costs. 
Studies show that fruits and vegetables prevent cancer. Meat causes cancer according to this big study done. The PDR Family Guide to Nutrition and Health says (page 221) Plant based estrogen-like substances in soybeans and soybean products (including tofu) are believed to have a protective effect" [under breast cancer chapter].


parts per million
different chemicals
camu camu fruit
pumpkin seeds
These foods have lower concentrations of the above but have the highest number of antiarthritic phytochemicals: pineapple with 8 chemicals, strawberry 8, soybean 8, black currants 8, grape 8, peanuts 8, beet 8, cabbage 7, sweet potato 7, lentil 7, tomato 7, banana 7, basil 7, almond 7 and pears with 7 antiarthritic phytochemicals.

Breast Cancer

parts per million
number of chemicals
These foods have lower concentrations of the above but have the highest number of anticancer (breast) phytochemicals: tomato with 4 anticancer (breast) phytochemicals, grape 4, kiwi 3, onion 3, oranges 3, carrot 3, banana 3, peach 3, cashew 2, cabbage 2 and papaya with 2 anticancer (breast) phytochemicals.
The book, More Natural Cures Revealed (� 2006) by Kevin Trudeau says that a magazine about health and healthy lifestyle was being given out to all NBC employees in the Chicago studio. It was telling how flaxseed (linseed) oil was curing breast cancer. Canadian researchers gave muffins with flaxseed oil to women with breast cancer. It was more effective in killing breast cancer cells than any type of radiation or chemotherapy, with no side effects or expensive costs. 
Studies show that fruits and vegetables prevent cancer. Meat causes cancer according to this big study done. The PDR� Family Guide to Nutrition and Health� says (page 221) Plant based estrogen-like substances in soybeans and soybean products (including tofu) are believed to have a protective effect" [under breast cancer chapter].


food parts per million different chemicals
spinach 22,000 1
lettuce leaf (includes romaine and iceberg) 17,400 1
asparagus 14,976 1
flaxseed 14,098 2
cucumber 14,000 1
lima beans 14,000 1
These foods have lower concentrations of the above but have the highest number of antistroke phytochemicals: kiwi with 2 chemicals, cashew 2, lentil 2 and bananas with 2 antistroke phytochemicals.

Alzheimer's Disease

parts per million
different chemicals
These foods have lower concentrations of the above but have the highest number of antialzheimeran phytochemicals: garlic with 5 chemicals, flaxseed 5, parsley 5, peas 5, thyme 5, cashew 4, grapefruit 4, carrot 4, sweet potato 4 and lentils with 4 antialzheimeran phytochemicals.
The following comes from Great Health magazine (September 2008 issue). Use tumeric. This herb is one of the main herbs in curry. Indians use lots of curry and get dementia less than people in other countries. It contains the phytochemical curcumin. You can take 400mg daily of curcumin supplements.
Eat blueberries. It has ellagic acid (another phytochemical) in it. Consume omega-3 fatty acids. Best sources are some fish, flaxseed and chia seeds. Consume plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and green tea. Take 60mg twice daily of ginkgo biloba. It contains gingkgosides. 
Exercise a minimum of  30 minutes daily. People always ask me if you cannot do or get the recommended amount, does that mean that you should do or get nothing (all or nothing). No! Get whatever you can. That is like someone asking if they cannot make $1,000 weekly, does that mean that they should make nothing. Thirty minutes of exercise, 3 times a week is 500 times better than no exercise.
Here is more information from other MDs. Take a tablespoon of lecithin daily (non-GMO) (not genetically modified). It is cheap, about $20 for a pound. It is good for the brain and helps short term memory. People have been taking it for decades. It is great for cleaning out plaque from the arteries. See page about high blood pressure for more on this. 
A drug for this, Namenda, costs about $4.50 a day and a side effect of it is confusion. Lithium is a mineral. You can get it at health food stores as lithium aspartate or orotate. It costs around 25 cents a day to use. It is better than that drug for dementia.

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